phpmyadmin 접속하는 방법 – AWS lightsail bitnami wordpress 환경

lightsail bitnami wordpress를 사용하다가 phpmyadmin에 접속할 일이 생겨 기록해본다.

wordpress를 처음 시작하기로 마음먹고 세달간 무료로 사용해 볼 수 있는 AWS lightsail에 둥지를 틀게 되었다.

그날이 주말이었던걸로 기억하는데 도메인을 셋팅(가비아)하고 워드프레스를 설치하고 설정하는데 여러가지 시행착오가 있었지만 생각보다 너무 쉽게 설정하고 사이트를 오픈할 수 있었다.

물론 이 과정을 앞서 거쳐가고 기록해두신 분들의 도움 덕분이었다고 생각한다.


여기저기 여러정보들을 찾아보고 참조하며 드는 생각은

  1. 생각보다 자료가 많지만 나에게 딱 알맞는 자료를 찾으려면 내가 어느정도 정보를 선별할만한 지식이 있어야 한다.
  2. 찾아보고 따라할땐 모두 이해하고 기억하는 것들이 며칠 지나면 대충 그렇다는 것만 기억하고 자세한 것은 기억이 안난다.(ㅠㅠ)
  3. 여러 검색어를 바꿔가며 여러 사이트를 왔다갔다 좋은 정보를 만났다가도 처음엔 알아보지 못하고 넘겼다가 다시 찾기 힘들수도 있다. (현재도 크롬탭이 20개쯤 떠있는데 뭐가뭔지 모르겠다)

그리하여 든 생각은 어쨌든 내 블로그를 설정하며 사용했던 지식은 내것으로 다시 체득화하여 기록하자.

나와 같은 환경으로 블로그를 구성하시는 분들께 좋은 도움이 될것 같고, 무엇보다 내가 다시 보기위해 필요하다.

사이트 설정에 사용했던 순서와 관계없이 지금 필요한 내용부터 하나씩 정리해보고자 한다. 오늘은 phpmyadmin이다.


phpmyadmin이란 무엇인가?

phpMyAdmin은 MySQL과 MariaDB를 위한 관리 도구이다. PHP로 개발된 포터블 웹 애플리케이션이며 데이터베이스테이블필드의 작성, 수정, 삭제, 또 SQL 상태 실행, 사용자 및 사용 권한 관리 등의 다양한 작업을 수행할 수 있다. 특히 웹 호스팅 서비스를 위한 가장 대중적인 MySQL 관리 도구 가운데 하나가 되었다.[2]


이 프로그램에는 다음과 같은 기능이 있다:[3]

  1. 웹 인터페이스
  2. MySQL 데이터베이스 관리
  3. CSV과 SQL로부터 데이터 가져오기
  4. 데이터를 다양한 형식으로 내보내기: CSVSQLXMLPDF (TCPDF 라이브러리를 통해), ISO/IEC 26300 – 오픈도큐먼트 텍스트 및 스프레드시트워드엑셀LaTeX 등
  5. 다중 서버 관리
  6. 데이터베이스 양식의 PDF 그래픽 작성
  7. 쿼리별 조회(QBE)를 이용한 복잡한 쿼리 작성
  8. 데이터베이스 및 하부 집합 전역 검색
  9. 미리 정의된 함수 집합을 사용하여 저장된 데이터를 원하는 형식으로 변형 (BLOB 데이터를 다운로드 링크나 이미지로 표시 등)
  10. 쿼리 모니터 (프로세스)

위키백과에서 찾아본 phpmyadmin의 정의와 기능. 더많은 정보는

phpmyadmin은 mysql이나 mariaDB를 웹상에서 관리할 수 있는 도구라고 생각하면 될것 같다.

(mariaDB는 mysql과 거의 유사한 dbms라고 생각하면 될것 같다.)

phpmyadmin에 왜 접속하려 하는가?

위 phpmyadmin 기능 부분에 phpmyadmin으로 할수 있는 것들에 대해 설명되어 있지만 나같은 초보는 그래서 이게 다 무슨말인가 싶다.

내가 필요한것은 직접 dbms에 쿼리를 질의해보고 새로운 테이블을 만들어보고 데이터를 내 마음대로 Insert/Update 해보고 싶었다.

왜냐하면? 나는 블로그에 글을 쓰는 목적도 있지만(사실 글쓰는데는 재능이 없다) 사이트에 기능을 하나하나 구현해보고 싶었기 때문이다.

우여곡절 끝에 phpmyadmin에 접속하면 내 서버에 설치되어 있는 db들이 보이고 (지금까지 mysql인줄 알았는데 mariaDB였다.)

phpmyadmin main

각종 상태와 정보들이 보이는데 나는 별 관심이 없으므로 워드프레스 db에 쿼리를 날려본다. (잘 동작한다)

phpmyadmin wordpress query1

phpmyadmin wordpress query2

phpmyadmin 접속하는 방법 – AWS Lightsail bitnami 패키지 환경

phpmyadmin은 보안을 위해 localhost를 통해서만 접속을 허용한다고 한다.

localhost라면 현재 사용중인 내 PC를 지칭하는건데.. 내 로컬환경에 블로그 서버를 구성하진 않았으므로 뭔가 서버에 접속해서 내 로컬환경인척 하는 방법이 필요하다. (ssh로 접속하면 이런 역할을 하는듯 하다)

검색해보니 두가지 방법이 나오는데 어차피 내가 사용하는 한가지 방식만 설명한다.

  1. lightsail 기본키 다운받기 (.pem 파일)
    aws lightsail instance manageaws lightsail default key
  2. 로컬 터미널(CMD)에서 해당 기본키 다운받은 곳으로 이동하기
    move download directoryconnect ssh
  3. ssh -N -L 8888: -i KEYFILE bitnami@SERVER-IP
    KEYFILE 부분에 자신의 .pem 파일명을 넣고 SERVER-IP 부분에 lightsail 인스턴스 고정IP주소를 넣는다.

  4. 위 터미널을 열어둔 채로 웹브라우저를 열고 localhost:8888 접속하기
    phpmyadmin login
  5. 암호는 bitnami의 암호를 입력하면 된다.
    cat bitnami_application_password (bitnami 패스워드 조회하기)



71 thoughts on “phpmyadmin 접속하는 방법 – AWS lightsail bitnami wordpress 환경”

  1. Hi!

    It is with sad regret to inform you that LeadsFly is shutting down!

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    Visit us here:

    Best regards,

  2. Hi

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    If you need any assistance in this area, feel free to reach out.

    Warm regards, Dora

  3. Hi

    We are a venture sales agency that works with you to uncover the best leads for your industry.

    After finding targeted leads for you, warm intros are sent to them ensuring a steady steam of viable clients to your website.

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    Find out more at:

  4. Hi,

    If I can tell you exactly who visited your website today – would you be interested?

    Here is what I mean.

    You get 100 visitors today.

    2 of them fill out your form.
    1 of them calls you.
    97 of them are gone forever… Until Now.

    Our software can track:

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    -How they got there
    -What keyword they searched
    -Their Name, Phone and Email address.

    Don’t lose any more leads or sales opportunities.

    We’ve been in business since 2015 with clients around the world.

    Interested? Send me your name and number for a no cost demo on YOUR website.

    Website Detective
    Don’t Miss Any Opportunity.

  5. Hi

    You have been working with your new domain for a couple of months now.
    Knowing that sales is about building relations and trust, we have different guides, helping professionals with consistant in their sales.

    Just check
    No tricks or other obligations

    have a great day

  6. Hi

    We noticed your website is only listed in 9/2,500 directories.

    We have a service that lists your company in all the directories globally.

    It supports all countries, all services, to boost your SEO and get you those high quality back links that directories offer.

    We have a promo running for a one time fee of $99

    Visit us on to get listed.

  7. Hi,

    We are a provider of premium databases for companies.

    I want to know if you need any sort of data for your business?

    Please respond to this email and let us know what you are looking for.


  8. Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    – Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    – Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    – Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    We also grow Instagram followers (300-1000 for $60).

    Get in touch if you would like to know more.

    Kind Regards,

  9. Hi,

    I just visited and wondered if you’d ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our prices start from just $195.

    Let me know if you’re interested in seeing samples of our previous work.


  10. Hi there,

    I recently came across your website on and found it very interesting. I was curious, have you ever considered creating an eBook out of your website content?

    There are tools available, that allow you to easily convert website content into a well-designed eBook. This could be a great way to repurpose your existing content and potentially reach a new audience.

    Of course, I understand this might not be something you’re interested in, but I just wanted to share the possibility!

    Anyway, here is the tool I had in mind. It’s only $16.95 so worth checking out:

    Best regards,

  11. Hi there,

    I recently came across your website on and found it very interesting. I was curious, have you ever considered creating an eBook out of your website content?

    There are tools available, that allow you to easily convert website content into a well-designed eBook. This could be a great way to repurpose your existing content and potentially reach a new audience.

    Of course, I understand this might not be something you’re interested in, but I just wanted to share the possibility!

    Anyway, here is the tool I had in mind. It’s only $16.95 so worth checking out:

    Best regards,

  12. Dear owner,

    If you’re receiving this message, it signifies the effectiveness of my marketing approach. I specialize in extending the reach of your advertising message across 5 million sites for just $50. Additionally, you have the option to expand your campaign to 15 million platforms for a mere $125. This presents an unparalleled opportunity to promote your business or services affordably.

    To explore this lucrative marketing opportunity further, please feel free to contact me via email at or connect with me on Skype at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

    Looking forward to propelling your marketing efforts to new heights.

  13. Hi Admin,

    I am curious to know how much you would charge for a link insertion in an existing post?

    Do you also allow the publication of sponsored posts on your blog? What’s the fee?

    If you prefer EXCHANGE instead of paid linking, we may get you featured on any of any of the following websites: (DR:71, Traffic:80.6K) (DR:64, Traffic:102K) (DR:48, Traffic:135K)

    You won’t have to link back to the same website but some other one.

    This is called 3-way link exchange, the safest link building method works today.

    We’ve over 8K+ sites in our inventory with real organic traffic, if you want to look for more options for exchange.

    If you’re interested, please feel free to contact me via email at

    Best of Regards

  14. Hi,

    I’m reaching out to you today to introduce AI Employees, a new solution designed to empower businesses like yours by providing intelligent virtual assistants to streamline workflows and boost productivity.

    Here’s what AI Employees can do for you:

    [+] Reduced Busywork: Automate repetitive tasks like data entry, scheduling, and report generation, freeing up your human employees for higher-level strategic thinking.
    [+] 24/7 Availability: AI Employees work tirelessly, offering around-the-clock assistance to your customers or completing tasks without interruption.
    [+] Data-Driven Insights: Leverage AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data to gain valuable insights and support informed decision-making.

    Keep in mind:

    1. Learning Curve: While AI Employees are user-friendly, there’s a short initial learning curve for setting up tasks and providing clear instructions.
    2. Data Dependence: The quality of AI’s insights is directly tied to the quality and quantity of data it’s trained on.
    3. Supervision Needed: While AI automates tasks, human oversight is still essential for quality control and strategic decision-making.

    Watch the demo in action here:

    Thanks for your time,

  15. Hi there,

    We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically.

    We go beyond just subscriber numbers. We focus on attracting viewers genuinely interested in your niche, leading to long-term engagement with your content. Our approach leverages optimization, community building, and content promotion for sustainable growth, not quick fixes. Additionally, a dedicated team analyzes your channel and creates a personalized plan to unlock your full potential, all without relying on bots.

    Our packages start from just $60 (USD) per month.

    Would this be of interest?

    Kind Regards,

  16. Hello

    This will substantially impact your page rank, the more directories your company is listed

    in, locally or globally, the greater your back links you have and the higher you rank in Bing – Yahoo –


    Never has it been simpler to promote your online property

    Just a few inputs and our software willl do the rest. No more struggling about email verification – manual link building or CAPTCHAs.

    We’ve automed all that we could have to make submitting your site a


    See your online property on the first page.

    We will list your domain to numerous directories and give you a full

    report on the status of each submission. Although we have automated the submission process to

    a large extent, some of the listings may require manual approval which could cause a slight


    Making your life simpler

  17. Hi there,

    What if you could send unlimited emails directly from with a guaranteed 99.4% inbox delivery rate, for just a one-time fee?

    – Send unlimited emails to unlimited subscribers
    – Enjoy a guaranteed 99.4% inbox delivery rate
    – Never worry about monthly fees again
    – Boost open rates and click-throughs
    – Say goodbye to spam filters

    Plus, you get:

    1. Free WP SMTP server included
    2. Easy-to-use interface, perfect for beginners
    3. 30-day money-back guarantee

    Click here to learn more:


  18. Struggling with SEO?

    Our AI tool helps to get your website on top of Google, Yahoo & Bing.

    1. Build with voice commands (no coding!)
    2. AI-powered content & SEO ranking
    3. Secure your website

    Limited time offer: $17 (normally $97)

    Click here:


  19. Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    – Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    – Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    – Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    If you are interested then we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,


  20. If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

  21. Hi there,

    Are you tired of paying monthly fees for website hosting, cloud storage, and funnels?

    We offer a revolutionary solution: host unlimited websites, files, and videos for a single, low one-time fee. No more monthly payments.

    Here’s what you get:

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    Free SSL certificates for all domains and files
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    24/7 customer support
    Easy-to-use cPanel
    365-day money-back guarantee

    Plus, get these exclusive bonuses when you act now:

    60+ reseller licenses (sell hosting to your clients!)
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    Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer! The price is about to increase, and this one-time fee won’t last forever.

    Click here to learn more:


  22. Hello

    We noticed your website doesn’t have a Mobile App for iOS and Android.

    We are building Android and iOS Apps for $99 each a combo deal of $149 for both

    You can get a free preview on PCXLeads or email us back and we will send you a mockup for your apps.

    This promo is valid till end of June 2024.


  23. You may wish to save this email for future reference. There is no need to unsubscribe because this is a one-time email from Se-REM. This announcement is a public service for a not-for-profit program that has saved and restored lives shattered by abuse and trauma.

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, phobias and even marital counseling. The mission statement is “Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 33 countries.

    If you would like to know more you can watch a UK Podcast at:

  24. Hey,

    Customers want answers now. Don’t lose leads with offline messages!

    Live chat boosts sales & loyalty. 44% of consumers love it!

    Open247 provides:

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    * More conversions (capture hot leads!)
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    Get a free quote! Email me now at
    We’ll customize a plan to fit your budget.

    P.S. Get 30 Days Free Trial Now!!

  25. Hi

    I see your site is only listed in 12 out of 2500 directories

    This will severely impact your page rank, the more directories your company is listed in, locally or globally, the more back links you have and the higher you rank in Google, Bing, Yahoo.

    It has never been easier to promote your site

    Just a few inputs and our program willl do the rest.

    No more struggling about manual link building, email verification or CAPTHCAs.

    We have automed everything that we could have to make submitting your website a breeze.

    See your online property on the first page.

    We will submit your website to thousands of directories and give you a full report on the status of each listing. Although we have created an automated system to a large extent, some of the registries may require manual mail validation which could cause a slight delay.

    Making your life easier

  26. Hi,

    Building a successful ecommerce website can be overwhelming. Are you struggling to get your online store off the ground?
    Low traffic, poor conversions, and complex platform choices can make it feel impossible to succeed. It’s frustrating when your hard work doesn’t translate into sales and growth.
    Download our FREE eBook: “100 Checkpoints for a Successful Ecommerce Website.” This comprehensive guide is designed to help you overcome these challenges and transform your ecommerce site into a thriving business.

    Here’s what you’ll get:

    Target Audience, UserFriendly Design, Compelling Product Descriptions, Simplified Checkout, SEO Tips, Digital Marketing Strategies, Customer Service, Security Compliance & Growth Planning.
    Ready to conquer your ecommerce challenges? Download Your Free eBook Now!

    We’re here to support your journey to ecommerce success. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

    To your success,
    Sam Miller

    P.S. Limited time offer – grab your free eBook today!

  27. Hi,

    I just visited and wondered if you’d ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our videos cost just $195 for a 30 second video ($239 for 60 seconds) and include a full script, voice-over and video.

    I can show you some previous videos we’ve done if you want me to send some over. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing samples of our previous work.


  28. Was just browsing the site and was impressed the layout. Nicely design and great user experience. Just had to drop a message, have a great day! 8dfds87a

  29. Hello,

    It is with sad regret that after 12 years, is shutting down.

    We have made all our databases available on our website.

    25 Million companies
    527 Million People

  30. If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

    P.S: Speical Offer – Only for 2 days – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50

  31. Work From Home With This 100% FREE Training…, I Promise…You Will Never Look Back
    $500+ per day, TRUE -100% Free Training, go here:

  32. Unlock the power of magic with Extreme Spells! Whether you’re seeking true love, financial success, or happiness, our experienced Circle of Eight, led by Master Sam Taylor and Psychic Master Lennox, is here to transform your life. Since 1993, we’ve been casting potent spells tailored to your unique needs, helping countless individuals achieve their dreams.

    Discover spells to attract your perfect mate, rekindle lost love, draw wealth, and much more. Our spells are safe, effective, and backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Plus, we offer free health spells to those in need because we believe in making positive changes accessible to everyone.

    Don’t let life’s challenges hold you back. Embrace the mystical power of Extreme Spells and take control of your destiny today. Visit to learn more and start your magical journey. Transform your life with the proven power of spell casting!

    Act Now! Click here to unlock love, wealth, and happiness with Extreme Spells. Your dream life is just a spell away!

  33. Dear owner or manager,

    Cut your business or personal credit cards and loan payments in half. eliminate interest and reduce your debt by 50%. 100% guaranteed. The average customer saves $56,228 in unnecessary interest plus principal and 15 years in payoff time through our consolidation loan and debt consolidation programs.

    Contact us at or email me at I look forward to hearing from you,


  34. Hello,

    I hope this email finds you well.
    We are reaching out to introduce M.I.H Marketing Agency, the ideal partner for elevating your brand. Our expertise in innovative strategies, tailored campaigns, and data-driven results sets us apart.

    By partnering with us, we can enhance your brand with the use of:
    • Software development
    • AI development
    • App development
    • Website development
    • Cyber security
    • Virtual private servers
    • Digital design
    • Social media marketing
    • International law and accouting
    • Clothing design and supply
    • White label writers
    • White label courses

    If the service that you are looking for is not listed please reach out to us,as this list does not include all of the services we provide.

    Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Let’s schedule a zoom meeting to discuss how M.I.H can drive your business forward.

    Best regards,
    M.I.H Marketing Agency

  35. Hey,

    It is with sad regret to inform you that is shutting down.

    We have made our databases available across all the countries, B2B and B2C Data.

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  36. If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

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